Uomini vestiti da spermatozooi
Titolo: Israeli men dressed up as sperm are seen
Descrizione: Israeli men dressed up as sperm are seen inside a big condom during the annual Gay Pride parade on June 12, 2009 in Tel Aviv. An estimated 20,000 people took part in the gay parade, dancing, swaying and sashaying through the streets of the sizzling beachside city. Israel repealed a ban on consensual same-sex sexual acts in 1988 and as the heart of Israel's cultural life and a bastion of secularism, Tel Aviv has been hosting the annual parade for the past nine years with relatively few objections from the country's religious community, unlike similar events in Jerusalem which saw violence and even one stabbing. Hebrew writing on placard reads: "Proud Sperm". AFP PHOTO/JONATHAN NACKSTRAND (Photo credit should read JONATHAN NACKSTRAND/AFP/Getty Images)
Crediti immagine: AFP/Getty Images - © 2009 AFP